Sergey Mosin

My name is Sergey Mosin. I am Ph.D. in Computer Engineering. The current designation is a Director of Institute of Computational Mathematics and Information Technologies, Kazan Federal University. My academic activity deals with studying students and carrying out R&D in the hi-tech area of computing and telecommunication systems design and test. As well as embedded systems design emphasis on Internet of Things. Design automation and design-for-testability of electronic system are key processes at the development of the reliable state-of-the-art devices which will change our future.
I have defended Ph.D. and post-doc theses (on D.Sc. degree) in the area of computer-aided design in microelectronics. My experience as a lecturer takes more than 15 years. I deliver lectures for students on the following courses of bachelor, engineer and master study programs in computers science and engineering: “Electronics”, “Structural organization of computers and computing systems”, “Architecture of computers”, “Testing of electronic systems”, etc.
The area of research interests includes (but not limited) the following: electronic systems design automation, design-for-testability of analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits, CAD tools for test and diagnosis of analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits, wired and wireless telecommunication systems, etc. The results were presented and published at more than 80 papers in reviewed journals and conference proceedings. I am the scientific advisor of Ph.D. students in the area of computer-aided design in microelectronics.
My experience comprises also the management and administrative activity in the following positions: acting head of CED, vice-rector for research of VSU, chief scientist, research supervisor, coordinator of research projects and leader of research team, etc.
I am open for fruitful cooperation as invited lecturer, scientific advisor for Ph.D. students or partner of R&D projects.